Friday, 22 November 2013


This post lists down some of the Technical Writing and E-Learning tools.The following tools and software's are used by Technical writers/Authors:

  • RoboHelp
  • Arbortext Editor
  • Articulate
  • Adobe Captivate
  • Adobe FrameMaker
  • DITA
  • DTD
  • AuthorIT
  • Moodles

Technical Writing Tools
Technical Writing Tools

The above listed tools and software's are defined here:
  1. RoboHelp: It is a Help Authoring Tool, released in the year 1998.
  2. Arbotext Editor: It is the first SGML based editing tool, released in the year 1991.
  3. Articulate: It is an e-learning software and authoring tool.
  4. Adobe Captivate: An e-learning tool used for screencasts, podcasts etc. It can import PowerPoint Slides.
  5. Adobe FrameMaker: It is a document processor(arrangement of document components) used by many professional Technical Writers.
  6. DITA (Darwin Information Typing Architecture): It is designed as an end-to-end architecture. DITA is an XML data model for authoring.
  7. DTD (Document Type Definition): It defines a document type for SGML markup languages. This family of SGL markup languages include XML, HTML etc.
  8. AuthorIT: It is a help authoring tool. It was released in 1996 as help authoring tool and content management system(CMS).
  9. Moodles (Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment): It is an e-learning platform released in 2002. It is also known as "Learning Management System" or "Virtual Learning Environment"

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